Valentine Miscellania Part 1

Amazing craft idea for the zombie lover in your life!

Imaginary boyfriends are the best.

This is how to get ALL the ladies!

Who knew cupid’s name was…DAN?

Unparalleled romance:

On a related note, the Newton Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant in Brooklyn is offering a morning tour of its sludge processing facility (I’m not kidding!)

My kinda cupid!

If I ever get married, I would shower my husband with beautiful sentiments like this:

You’ll rarely hear me say this, but…forget the chocolate…I want the box!

I forgot to put this fellow, all spiffy in his Valentine suit, in my Bat Valentine post:

Many folks who frequent this blog would probably appreciate the Tim Burton Valentine Card Set.

Boo Boo the Valentine Ghost just wants someone to love him.

And a couple of other sculpted creatures I found, without artist credit.

10 responses to “Valentine Miscellania Part 1”

    • Me too. I literally can’t remember the last time I celebrated it (which is a shame for a romantic…but I just sweep up a lot of 75% off candy for myself on the 15th!).

  1. Great collection! I had no idea there so much cool Valentines stuff around. But I have to confess, I’m not convinced that tie is particularly smart by day…

    • Oh, but it’s so worth it for the evenings! The ad says girls can’t resist it. Personally, I can’t think of any other qualifications I’d need in a man besides ownership of a “kiss me in the dark” tie.

      If people really respond to messages on clothing, I need a “feed me chocolate, now” shirt. Visible day AND night.

  2. I’ve had so much fun with this post! I’m not sure which image I liked the most. Sir Bat in his spiffy suit is dear to my heart. My husband’s was the septic tank being pumped. He’s kind of practical that way. And the wastewater tour would be most thrilling! Just make sure you wear rubber boots.

    • You were the first to see the spiffy bat! Gotta love the septic tank idea, too. If you were in NY we could double date to the sewage plant for a once in a lifetime celebration! Tell Mike maybe next year. 🙂

  3. Dang, so THAT’s what I’ve been doing wrong! I’ve been wearing the wrong tie! I’ve needed an advert somewhere on my person!

    Though getting ALL the ladies seems pretty daunting. That might get out of hand pretty quickly…I think I’ll stick to ties that are more selective.

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