Image Odyssey: Migraine Art

After mentioning a migraine, I woke up to a collection of explode-y head imagery (and a glorious decapitation cure) from a dear friend and soul sister.

What more could I ask for in life than friends who “get” me enough to make this sort of perfectly twisted, kind gesture?

Carrie shared one possible cure:

And here are some other migraine inspired art pieces I came across:



Oh wow…others have visited this topic before.


And a favorite, due to the appropriate uncomfortable use of color and contrast…and the puke bucket.


14 responses to “Image Odyssey: Migraine Art”

  1. Woa, looking at the last one really feels like the beginning of a migraine coming on…! From the others the first is my “favourite” because it includes the tentacles/worms crawling around inside the brain.

    • Some of them almost induce migraines, it’s true. I suppose that makes them very effective art. 🙂

    • Aw, I understand but don’t be too sad. Migraines are much more treatable now than they used to be!

  2. I’m fascinated by the first image of the yellow-ish woman with flames and tears. Do you know the artist or who I can contact to get the rights?

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