Child’s Own Studio

This image caught my eye on Pinterest and I was immediately excited about the concept:


At Child’s Own Studio, Wendy Tsao immortalizes the colorful imagination of children by turning their drawings into plush creations.


She does an incredible job bringing any piece of art to life.

I don’t have children, but if I did I would definitely order one or try my hand at this (I’ve made plush versions of my grown up friends’ doodles)! The price is a bit steep ($250), but Wendy’s accuracy is pretty remarkable and it’s clear that a lot of TLC goes into her work.

Look at THIS guy! I wish I could still conjure creatures like this out of thin air!

If you have kids, what drawing would you want to give plushy life to?

Child’s Own Studio

6 Responses to “Child’s Own Studio”

  1. This is… magical!

    • shewalkssoftly Says:

      Isn’t it though? Nothing compares to the fresh, untamed imagination of children. They conjure magic.

  2. Wow, these are so much fun! I’m tempted to ask Cadence to draw something… if only I had more disposable income.

  3. that’s fantastic

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