Curtis Killorn

Curtis Killorn creates a very special kind of artistic landscape. The home page begins with a quote that dates back to 1914: “Everyone needs beauty as well as bread, places to play and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to the body and soul.”

“The intent of this enterprise is to create beauty where there is already beauty, highlighting the strengths of a tree already dead or a stone seemingly unimportant is in essence how we are to regard each other. In our busy lives we sometimes forget to notice the splendor of the world around us.”

I truly love the idea of punctuating a landscape with brightness like this. How many people who would never stop to notice a tree might think twice after passing one of these?

Curtis Killorn- Sacred Places

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2 responses to “Curtis Killorn”

    • Maybe it’s the cynic (or the secular romantic) in me, but wouldn’t it be rather amazing if Moses just saw some artist’s whimsical creation of beauty? One artist could have been very far ahead of his/her time…and boy did it have an impact!

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