Seven Deadly Sins for Kids

Here is a remarkably non-threatening series of vintage illustrations designed to instruct children about the dangers of the seven deadly sins.


Pornography makes angels cry:

Angels also weep for the slothful:

I’m not sure why the girl in the patchwork dress appears *stunned* at Little Ms. Pride. At any rate, the squirrel is amused.

For the remaining sins, go to Rev Guzman’s flickr set.

6 Responses to “Seven Deadly Sins for Kids”

  1. oh there is nothing more sinful and disturbing than a child sleeping peacefully with a kitten on its tummy! especially having fallen asleep reading!
    *prays for her salvation*

  2. I rather like the little girl’s patchwork dress!

    Although, I do imagine she’s stunned because she probably never hada dolly, and her’s this girl with *two* of them!

  3. Amazing! I am from Mexico and we used to read this book and more from this series! I used to love them I really didn’t care about the angels’ feelings but the graphics and colors are so beautiful and the demons on the cover are so stylish!

  4. The angel looks so sad, too!

    ´´Oh my goodness gracious Karen! Are you sleeping? At 4 PM of the afternoon?! KAREN YOU HAVE HOMEWORK, KAREN!!! YOU HAVE HOMEWORK. THINK OF YOUR FUTURE KAREN

    *Sobs loudly*

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